If you are a subject-matter expert or professional service firm, then we need to figure out what is it that makes your business extraordinary compared to all the other similar businesses out there. In this 1 hour working session where we interview you via Zoom, we will get into your head. We will address questions like, is your message digestible? Does it stand out as being different? Is it disrupting people's thinking, & inspiring a curiosity that has them begging for more?
The time you spend in this session will have you thinking about your brand and business in new ways, while me and my team takes it all in and pushes it through our irreverent lens to identify how to pitch your extraordinary value proposition - that which compels people to take notice, engage and buy. Knowing what you stand for and what you want will set you on the road to being the most extraordinary in your industry.
You can then take our proposal, and implement it on your own, or hire us to take care of it for you. The cost of the "Find Your Extraordinary" branding package is applied to the cost of the full branding project, if you move foward with us.
"Find Your Extraordinary" Branding Package
This cost is non-refundable, but we will do everything in our power to make sure you walk away a super-happy customer.